Well !,.. the July work effort was a great success!,.. We really appreciate the hard work of the volunteers who came out to help as well as the many donors who helped make this project possible!

We are getting ready to do another trip to the Navajo reservation to install playsets for the kids at a domestic violence shelter in Chinle, AZ !… Thanks to our sponsors , Home Depot, and private donors,…we will be installing small playgrounds hopefully towards the end of November!

To find out more , check us out at www.lostforareason.org
check the Lost for a reason Facebook page: http://facebook.com/lostforareasoncom for special offers from one of our many generous donors such as:


Thank you for your donation !

Lost for a Reason was launched purely as a way for ADV motorcycle riders, street riders, kayakers, mountain bikers, runners,…and basically everyone in the world who loves kids and wants to see underpriveleged kids and families have a better life !.. Also as a way to say thank you for welcoming us to enjoy the areas they live in like Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, and Colorado. Beautiful places and beautiful memories !

Check the Facebook page because many generous businesses and individuals often donate products that allow us to send you special offers when you donate money !

We are not one of those organizations that pass along 10 cents of every dollar,… We pass along 100% of the profits to the kids !,… often times we volunteer our own time and money to keep the wheels turning and we love every minute of it !

Donations are securely processed through PayPal.

NOTE: Drag and drop the PayPal app from the Widgets tab onto this page. Follow the donate path to set up your PayPal account.